We’re thrilled to announce that BookSavvy author Julie Ann Cairns was interviewed a couple of days ago about her book The Abundance Code by the outlet that is so many author’s dream hit: Oprah Magazine. The article will run in the November 2016 issue.
This is especially exciting since Julie Ann’s campaign ended in November of 2015, and just last week the Oprah reporter, Farnoosh Torabi, reached out to us (not vice versa) about talking to Julie Ann.
We love it when this happens, and call it the “ripple effect” of media exposure. A powerful phenomenon, the ripple effect occurs when existing news stories catch reporters’ attentions and lead to even more news stories. Or, when connections forged with reporters during a campaign ultimately lead to more coverage opportunities than expected over time.
In this case, Julie Ann was first interviewed by Farnoosh back in 2015 for his podcast series So Money. Farnoosh then transitioned to working as a financial columnist at Oprah Magazine, and when searching for story ideas, doubled back to Julie and interviewed her for Oprah.
Keep your eyes peeled for advice on busting money myths in this November’s issue!