By BookSavvy Team | March 24, 2025

The first quarter of 2024 has been filled with energy here at BookSavvy, with our authors landing notable media features across a variety of platforms–from engaging podcast interviews to prominent coverage in major publications. In the past month alone, we’ve racked up 25 placements on the air, in print/online and on podcasts. Here are some standout moments so far:

WFMJ-TV / NBC 21 interviewed Mary Kate Morrissey about reasons to have an off-season wedding.

The Post and Courier in Charleston, SC, published a feature on resident Roger Newman and his latest novel, Boys.

The City Sentinel of Oklahoma City, OK, published a feature about Con Chapman’s biography, Sax Expat, about Oklahoma jazz musician Don Byas.

Flight – The Journal of Canadian Aviation Enthusiasts published an excerpt from Lola Reid Allin’s memoir, Highway to the Sky.

San Diego Woman Magazine (page 50) published a guest article by Lola Reid Allin about how she busted norms to build her dream career

San Diego Woman Magazine (page 49) published a guest article by Brian Joseph on signs your friend might be a victim of sex trafficking.S

Innovative Human Capital published an article by Dr. Amelia Duran Stanton

Ruthless Compassion with Dr. Marcia Sirota Podcast interviewed Dr. Michelle Sherman about her co-authored book, Loving Someone with a Mental Illness.

Seize the Moment Podcast interviewed Dr. Michelle Sherman about how to support someone with a mental illness.

Women of Color: an Intimate Conversation interviewed Dr. Amelia Duran-Stanton

Humanizing Mental Health Podcast interviewed Dr. Michelle Sherman exploring the effects of mental illness on family.

Duty & Valor: True Stories of Courage & Sacrifice published a YouTube post spotlighting Roger Newman’s novel, Boys.

Spirituality Uncensored Podcast interviewed author Rikki West about pursuing truth in a messy world.

Schizophrenia: Three Moms In The Trenches Podcast interviewed Dr. Michelle Sherman and DeAnne Sherman about their book, Loving Someone with a Mental Illness.

 The Start-Up with Monique Lore interviewed Dan Berger, author of The Quest: The Definitive Guide to Finding Belonging.

Strap on Your Boots podcast also interviewed Dan Berger – as did 5 other podcats!


And there are plenty of upcoming moments we’re excited about!  Stay tuned over the next few weeks for:

Dr. Michelle Sherman and DeAnne Sherman’s interviews on:
WFMJ-TV / NBC 21 (Youngstown, OH), and
Living in the Heart of Virginia – WSET-TV (ABC’s Roanoke affiliate)

Roger Newman’s interview on KZIM Radio Misouri’s Real Talk with Riggin

A review of Roger Newman’s novel Boys by The VVA Veteran, with an audience reach of 76,965.


BookSavvy placements accumulate by the day. Another roundup is on its way!

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